How to Maintain Recovery During The Holidays

How do you maintain recovery during the holidays?

Let’s be honest, the holidays are stressful! We are around all of our family, we have financial issues, and not to mention maintaining “normal” life and daily functions! So how do we keep from getting overwhelmed and wanting to use or drink to get that instant gratification fix that we long for and maintain recovery?

Come up with a game plan

For starters, we have to come up with a plan to deal with our triggers! For instance, if you have a cousin that you know actively uses and they will be at the gathering then mentally prepare yourself that you are powerless over drugs, alcohol, and people so avoid contact with that person as much as possible.  We should reach out to our support system whether that be a friend, sponsor, parent, or anyone else we trust and let them know that we are going to need their support a little bit more than normal during the Holidays.  Hopefully we have someone that we can talk out our feelings to and they will help you make the next right decision in any situation we run into.  ( I ask myself often “ok, what is the next right thing” and that seems to help me keep it simple) Another trick that I have learned is whenever I am at a family gathering and my family is drinking wine or something I like to keep a drink in my hand (like water or juice) that way no one ask me if I need something to drink. Also, I always try to bring a sober friend with me whenever possible.

Avoid isolation

During the holidays it’s very easy to isolate! Isolation is NOT our friend when we are trying to maintain recovery. Sometimes we need to relax and unwind but whenever we want to be alone and by ourselves to the extreme is more than likely when we need to hit a meeting.  I don’t mean like getting off work and wanting to Netflix and chill I mean taking the “Netflix and chilling” to the extreme is whenever we are in a danger zone.  Our best thinking gets us in trouble so sometimes it’s better to surround yourself with people that understand the obsessive and compulsive thinking that we addicts are so good at!

Remember Self Care

We want to stay aware of our self-care.  With all the extra stress of the holidays we have to remember to take care of ourselves.  Try out new things and figure out what makes you relax and happy like walking, taking a bath, spending time with friends, find a hobby, eating healthy (or eating ice cream), and definitely make sure you get enough rest! After all, we have to take care of ourselves and learn to love ourselves!

Finally, remember that being in recovery rocks and we shouldn’t ever be ashamed of being in recovery! So own it! Tell family, friends, or whoever you’re around and be proud of your success in recovery! It takes a very strong, courageous person to fight this disease so be proud of yourself for rocking your recovery! Contact us if you need help.

3 Tips to Maintain Recovery During the Holidays

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